Shallow Geothermal Energy Days 2019

  • DATE OF THE EVENT: September 24-25, 2019
  • TIME:
  • LOCATION: Brussels

In Brussels, Belgium. Shallow geothermal energy uses a game-changer towards decarbonized low emission heating and cooling supply in Europe.

Shallow geothermal energy represents a well-developed, non-volatile and clean technology for providing efficient heating and cooling across Europe. It is often associated with the use of ground source heat pumps but offers a wide range of applications such as geo-cooling or seasonal heat storage. Still, it is widely considered as a niche technology only covering around 2% of the renewable heating. From September 24 to 25, more than 60 experts from over 18 European countries met in Brussels to join the first “European Shallow Geothermal Energy Days” to discuss ways to support a better integration of this technology in the European heating and cooling market. The European Shallow Geothermal Energy Days aimed at connecting policy makers to scientists and professionals, to promote and discuss opportunities for boosting this technology in the upcoming decade. This event represents a new format introduced by the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC), the Renewable Heating and Cooling Platform (RHC-ETIP) and the Interreg Central Europe project GeoPLASMA-CE.



24 September 2019

Opening Keynotes

Innovative and good practice of shallow geothermal across Europe


25 September 2019

Shallow geothermal research keynotes

Date/Time: 24/09/2019 - 25/09/2019; All Day
Location: Shallow Geothermal Days 2019, Belgium
Map Unavailable