European Geothermal Workshop 2015


This workshop aims at discussing new approaches, methods or data in the fields of deep geothermal reservoirs for energy exploitation with a strong focus on on-going research. It proposes a platform of scientific exchange, especially between PhD students and scientists. We encourage PhD students and scientists involved in geothermal reservoir technology to present their recent research and ideas.


  • Reservoir exploration: integrative approaches, joint inversions
  • Reservoir monitoring: scaling, corrosion, “intelligent wells”
  • Reservoir operation: multi-well, multi-reservoir
  • Reservoir modelling: history matching, coupled THMC

Read more: EGW2015

Date/Time: 19/10/2015 - 20/10/2015; 8:30 am - 10:00 pm
Location: Collège Doctoral Européen, France
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